Thursday, September 25, 2008


I awoke at 4 a.m. and didn't fall back asleep until 20 minutes before the alarm went off.

My hair is tucked under a scarf, due to the most unfortunate hair cutting event two weeks ago.

I fell down the stairs at work.

I have leave work in the middle of the day to look at research paper materials, meaning that I will have to pay for parking at school twice.

I have a quiz tonight, for which I have not studied.

Is it Friday yet? I'll even settle for 10 p.m. tonight, the time that I will I get home (and pour a glass of wine, wrap myself up in my clapotis shawl and sit on the patio by the light of the moon).


Unknown said...

Oh gosh... I hope you're ok and I hope your day gets easier as it goes on.

Dominique said...

Nina has a solution for days like these :-)

Good luck dear!

Anonymous said...

wish you could stop by here for a cup of tea and a slice of chocolate cake.