Friday, September 04, 2009


Noted this morning...

Geese flying overhead, honking, honking.
Yellow leaves appeared overnight on the morning glories.
A few leaves on the creeper have turned red.

Could it be? Could these 90 degree temperatures being lying? Autumn, I'm ready.


Vanessa/NessieNoodle said...

I looked out to see red in the neighbors tree today-
I am not ready, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not.

Bean said...

we should have a nice autumn, I think. I love all the seasons :D

Katie said...

I have begun wondering when those honking geese will show up overhead here. It dipped below 60 the last couple nights. Blanket weather, I'm ready.

Jodi said...

strangely we've been hearing geese for a while - I was thinking it was strange with all the heat but then... it was freezing yesterday. Fall - love it and wonder how I could have complained even a bit over the heat. it went so fast.

;) said...

May be my favorite season !!!