Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Flurry

It's a flurry over here. Not snow, but of activity.

--The group project for school was not as bad I thought but there was still some funkiness that I had to deal with at the end

--Spent part of the evening at work, vacuuming gray water from drains that the computer room? Who's bright idea was it to put drains by electrical equipment?

--Reading for school, avoiding reading for school

--Needing to make my plan for the next semester or two as it's almost time to make my new schedule

--Wishin' I was knittin'. I had to pull about 5 rows out of my Ishbel (ouch!) but I knew the 4 spots where I had dragged the yarn over into the next repeat, then thinking I had too many stitches I'd "fix it" by K2 together and then "fix" the next repeat by making 1...well, it was going to bother me in the finished product.

--Loving the fall weather, but not getting any time to get out and enjoy it

--Eyeing the basket of apples in the kitchen and thinking that it needs to turn itself into pie. If it could do that by the time I got home from work today, that'd be great.

Anyone know what those flowers are in my photo? They were at the arboretum (but unmarked). I'd love to have some for my yard.


Anonymous said...

it's been a flurry here, too. Don't you hate when a mistake in your knitting will drive you crazy, so you are forced to rip back?

Vanessa/NessieNoodle said...

are they blue penstimon? (spelling?)
Our purple is blooming right now and the flowers sort of look the same-
hard to tell from the angle of this photo though- I need to walk thru the park, it is such a good time of year over there right now!

Guusje said...

npoe, no idea! they are lovely!

likeschocolate said...

Yes, I can feel the wave of business coming on as the holidays are starting to approach. Have a great week!

Maia said...

Lovely!! We are in an actual flurry of snow here...more than just a flurry!