Western Tanagers and more Cedar Waxwings. I've just started exercising after a very long (six year?) hiatus. I've been hiking on extended breaks in the hills above work. Right now, the hills are gorgeous, filled with indian paintbrush, phlox, lupine, and mule's ear. As mentioned, the birds have been good too. I saw an osprey last week, hovering by the river, as well as the perpetual swallows, diving and soaring.
I was starting to think of chucking the blog since I've been so quiet for so long. However, that will soon change; I have decided in my quest to have a 'project-a-day' month, June will be the month of blogging. I will be doing a list-of-the-day as inspired (as always) by Hula.
Besides, how could I chuck the blog so carelessly when I've reached the four year mark? Nope. Keep on, keepin' on.
Hooray. I missed you
woot. 4 years. sorta nuts when you stop and think about it.
you have me totally hooked with the project a day deal. I want to know more...
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