Saturday, January 01, 2011


On the first day of the year, I typically bake a cake or a pie. I assessed the berries I froze last summer. I went through stacks of recipes. And then I decided that I really didn't have to bake something after all.

I wish I could end here with some little spiel about how it's a new year and I am learning to simplify, slow down.

Instead, Kidlet and I painted some test patches in her room.
I made pancakes.
I am getting ready to prep sauce, cheese, and toppings for the pizzas I am going to make tonight.
I started another load of laundry.

At least it has been peppered with a good deal knitting and dithering over what yarn I want to use for my next sweater project.

Perhaps I am moving toward balance? One can hope, in any case.


Kate said...

I will bake a cobbler in your honor. (I've been wanting to use the peaches I froze 2 summers ago that grew in my backyard and were the best I'd ever had. There is no time like the present!) Enjoy your New Year's Day.

Vanessa/NessieNoodle said...

always moving towards balance....
sounds like a good day oday.

Brittany said...

perhaps you're just moving toward who you are. or maybe you're already there. :)