1. Paper is 87% done. Only things left are the sorting out of bibliography, footnotes, conclusion and a paragraph where I got it wrong.
2. Exam tomorrow. Should be studying. Look at me, Ma! I'm blogging!
3. Work is...ummm...oh dear. Rough.
4. Do I start a new Thanksgiving tradition by reading a poem at the table? Will I be the only one who digs it? Am I living in a fantasy land?
5. I officially have a doctor! I really like her!
6. I got my hair fixed! Thanks, Lisa! It still needs to grow, but at least it's shaping up.
7. Looking forward to reading what I want, knitting every night, and maybe even watching a movie. Getting ready to load up the ol' Netflix queue (and clear it of the movies I set up in the queue last summer when I thought I was going to watch movies). Holiday break, I love you and I don't care who knows it.
8. Considering a pair of navy patent leather Danskos.
9. Trying to switch back to tea, but I'm really enjoying this cup of coffee.
10. I'm really liking how Aldo Leopold is strongly featured for this exam. One of my favorite books is the Sand County Almanac. Ummm, just trying to bring my attention back where it belongs...studying.
11. The light is awful on today's photo. The birch bark is totally blown out...details in the lights, huh? Never heard of that (obv.).
There. An item for every item in my photo. Ta da!
I apologize for not getting back to your comments. I really love emailing everyone back (that is, if I have your email address) and having our mini-dialogs but things are so hectic. Give me a few more days and I should be back to the norm.
2. good luck tomorrow!
8. you know i have the red ones. and love them.
11. i happen to love the photo.
Aldo Leopold played a pretty big role here in my city. We have a school named after him.
Keep chuggin. I've been pretty negligent of my blog too.
sounds like school is almost done...I bet you can't wait. Glad you are getting the hair thing sorted out...bad hair sucks....last thing you need where you are already stressed.
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