Sunday, April 12, 2009


Rufus and Chaka Khan in my headphones, just ate a margarita jellybean, the sun is shining and I'm sitting next to a huge picture window overlooking campus. My spreadsheets, advertisements and books strewn about me on a big table. Not a bad way to spend an Easter afternoon. Sure, I'd like to be at the nursery buying a little plant, but this will do. Getting stuff done. Yeah. Get back to it!

Enjoy your day! And well wishes to my peeps (Boo and Baby Bunny) who are at home (Baby Bunny is kind of sick). See you two in a few hours...


Anonymous said...

Happy Easter!

Anonymous said...

Llloooooooove Rufus and Chaka. On my blog you'll find a little vid of Chaka ;-)

Oh, btw...found you through Daily Spain Corner View. Nice to meet you :-)


Joyce said...

Hi I came over from Spain Daily! Nice photos!!

Ian said...

Chaka Khan, Chaka Khan. I remember seeing her in concert when she had that big hit, I Feel For You.