(image from Collier’s, April 15, 1955, 42-3.)
Well, I finally finished my research paper for school and it was all about looking at advertisements featuring women in popular magazines during 1935, 1945 and 1955. At this point, I could tell you a fair amount about the shopping habits of the women of that time period. Since, I've spent the past 19 hours of the past 36 writing on the paper, I didn't get any photos of how we shop. But here's my story...
As far as my shopping habits, my mom, Kidlet and I go shopping together for our weekly groceries on Saturdays. I wish it were possible to go to shopping daily on my way home from work (preferably as I glide along on a cute bike with a woven basket), buying wine from the wine shop, cheese from the cheesemonger, bread from the baker etc.. While there is a wonderful baker and wine shop fairly close to my work, it would be an extravagance of time (and gasoline) to try and shop that way in our town. Everything is spaced far apart and the fact that I don't get home until after 5:30 (and that is without making any stops) would make it impossible for me to get home, make dinner, have time with the family and get to bed at a reasonable hour. Instead, I'm the mistress of planning, planning out the week's meals and buying most of what we need at once. I do have to stop at the store occasionally to pick something up I may have forgotten (the horror!) or a fresh vegetable if one has gone wiggly, but I try to avoid it if possible.
For more of the round the world shopping trip, visit our lovely hostess Jane and the rest of the gang...ladybug-zen, ian, bonnie,esti, sophie, cele,modsquad,caitlin, joyce, couturecoucou, kim, a day that is dessert, natsumi, epe, kaylovesvintage, trinsch, c.t.,jeannette, outi, schanett, ritva, dongdong, francesca, state of bliss, jennifer, dana, denise, cabrizette, bohemia girl, ruth, dianna, isabelle, amber, a girl in the yellow shoes, mister e, janis, kari, jgy, jenna, skymring, elizabeth, audrey, allison, lise, cate, mon, victoria, crescent moon, erin, otli, amy, ida, caroline, lisa, dorte, kimmie, la lune dans le ciel, nicola, malo, vanessa (hi, home girl!), britta, virgina, april, sunnymama, samantha, karen, kristina, angelina
First, it is so lovely that you shop with your mom. I wish my mom lived close so I could do that.
Second, Raleys! They do a pretty good job of making shopping an enjoyable experience. Since, as you say, our town is impossible for romantic-type shopping, this is the next best thing. You can talk with the butcher or the greengrocer and they are quite knowledgeable. Their wine selection and deli are good too.
Sorry for the commercial; I am in no way associated with them. Just a fan.
Ha, I love that picture. I agree it would be lovely to ride a little bike with a basket and visit the local cheese monger. Great post!
well done for finishing your paper! I admire the fact that you can plan a whole week of meals in advance. I also live far from shops, but I'm unable to be organized about my groceries:(
I like the picture! Thank you for sharing your story!!
what a great subject for a research paper! you should do a little summari post on that subject, i'd love that :)
Love that photo!! Love your bike bit... wouldn't that be so great! Hope you are able to rest for a bit now!!
haha, wiggly.
I would love to shop that way too. But I don't, of course. In fact, I was just at the grocery store after work last night because we were Seriously Out Of Food. And I relized it may be one of the worst days of the week to shop. Everything was out of stock, it was horrible.
Hey Ani you crack me up. Your story is better than pictures. .Congrats on finishing your paper! :)
thanks, ladies. it does feel good to be done. i wish i was off from work for the next three months too, not just school!
it took time to get to the point where i can really plan that far in advance. you have to make sure that you have a few nights of easy stuff so if you are tired, you can have a 'sandwich night' or 'breakfast for dinner night'.
I enjoyed reading your shopping post and getting a glimpse of your corner view! The picture is great :)
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