This morning I scrubbed the bathroom, did two loads of laundry, swept the kitchen, made breakfast for two, lunch for three, changed the sheets, watered the yard, took the cardboard for recycling out to the car, worked on Saturday's grocery list and did general tidying. All before 7 a.m.. Yeah. That's what happens when Kidlet wakes you up with her bad dream at 4, you lay awake thinking about pants until your hubby gets up at 5, so you throw in the towel and get up too.
"thinking about pants" ?? what's that all about, huh? wearing them, washing them, making them, or other people in them?
I'm wondering about the pants bit too. haha...
WTG for using your time so wisely though. It's inspiring!
Ha! I've had one too many of those mornings! I hope you got to relax the rest of the day!
p.s. Is your daughter going to a Montessori K? They have a charter Montessori down the road from us that is actually free! The parents have to volunteer so many hours a year which I think is fantastic. We signed Luxe up at a regular elementary but I'm still considering it.
been there!:)
Good grief, busy day. I had today off and gardened my heart out. It was gorgeous here for once and I needed to take advantage of that. I am all stiff and sore now!
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