My life is full of lists right now. You'd think going for a 4 day, 3 night camping trip wouldn't take so much planning. We haven't camped in ages and I'm pulling out all the old gear, assessing its condition. I want to make it as plush as possible since hubby will have just spent a week cycling across the state and I'd like him to be able to feast on good food and be comfortable. And besides, I like to camp in style if I don't have to carry it all on my back. French press coffee? Smoked salmon? Fancy cheese? Wine? Yes to all. Now I just have to make it through the week and a half before I actually get to go somewhere. Road trip, how I love ye.
A tip...no matter how cool you think those raindrops look on your rear view mirror as you drive down the road, you may not want to attempt the shot while driving. Maybe pull over before you start fiddling with the controls on the camera. Just a thought.
Back soon with a meme from lovely Bean!
Ohh... I like the way you camp! I might have to add smoked salmon to my cooler this year. That would be such a treat!!
Have fun! You will be missed. xoxo
Have a good trip !
sounds great. Have a good trip and see you around!
Sunny days, Daan
Oh camping, how fun! Have a great time.
Take care.
see you when you 'step back into" the corner ...
or maybe i'll still stop by from tiem to time ...
ha! ha! thanks for the photo tip. i love your idea of camping! have a great time! besos-jane
I'm sure all that work will be worth it once its over.
Hope you have an awesome time!! Enjoy the summer!
Did you almost drive off the road? Don't tell my husband, but I took the picture of the Louisiana sign while driving. It was sort of a traffic jam, so I was driving slowly, but still.
thanks, everyone! hopefully i'll have some good stories and photos (on real live film, even) to show you.
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