Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Snow in Spring

Sorry, I've been a bad blogger-pal lately. Guess my mood is, well, moody. Creative projects are at a standstill, except for coloring in coloring books with Kidlet. I guess I'm just at a holding pattern while I finish up the last few weeks of school and get through the next little bit work stress (it's 'personal evaluation' season and I have to assist with an upgrade this weekend).

But despite the 'slogginess', I do have ideas.

--Taking a cue from the illustrious Keri Smith, I'm thinking of instituting my own little 'create-a-thing-a-day month'. It won't be until June since there's this thing called 'final exams' in May.

--Nessie has inspired me with her entryway to tackle ours.

--I need to start thinking of gardening and some fun ways to decorate the yard. I think I'll get Kidlet to do some rock paintings but I want to really go all out this year. Lights, lanterns, sparkly bits that shine in the sun, gnome houses...

Ahhh, just thinking about all that good creative stuff makes me feel better all ready. How 'bout you?


Unknown said...

I can relate to your "slogginess". I'm finding tons of inspiration, but very little motivation to actually do. I'm on a mission to do freezer paper stenciling, myself. I even have a goal to get one done for W's 4th birthday party. Think it'll happen??

Anonymous said...

assist with an upgrade? that's what dave's been doing for the last 6 weeks. ugh. i hope it's smooth.

and i can't wait to see what you do with the create-a-thing-a-day. wow!

raining sheep said...

Gorgeous picture - you really have some amazing shots on your blog. I came back from Spain and even in cold Calgary, some of my perennials are making a gets me all excited and I am getting my gardening magazines out in earnest.

Ani said...

thanks for all the words, ladies!

liz, i totally want to do the freezer paper thing too. i wish i was able to get some time this weekend, we could have attempted it together. maybe soon?

emily, luckily i'm just the flunky so any disasters don't rest upon my shoulders. 6 weeks?! Ugh. i feel for your hubby.

raina, thanks so much! i'm glad spring is emerging in your neck of the woods.