Friday, December 08, 2006

If you don't dig knitting, don't bother reading this post where I'm gushing about Knitty

Holy cow! The new Knitty is up and yeeeooowwwza! I've always checked out Knitty but never was so taken with anything that I felt I needed to knit it. This issue, however, I want to knit it ALL.

Center Square--to learn fair isle techinques
Argosy--to learn entrelac
Corazon and Tiffany--mittens!
Sheldon--cute, cute.

The Monkey socks rule too, as does Cookie's hair (especially in the bottom photo). I sure do miss having wild hair. Right now, my hair is kind of "straggle bob".

Regularly scheduled posts to come later. Took some photos this morning that I need to work on tonight (along with my knitting).

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