Monday, August 11, 2008

A little weekend followed by a bunch of knitting. Y'know, the usual business.

Pie Report: the crust was thin (I couldn't find my usual recipe and the one I used didn't make enough) but the filling was good. I added just a tiny bit of sugar so it was pretty tart, but I'd rather have it tart than sticky sweet.

Felt half-sick all weekend. Kinda achy, chest feels cruddy but not enough to keep me immobile. This meant no lake time or biking. Despite thinking I didn't have enough yumpf for leisure activities, I somehow managed to bake a pie, make a veggie stew, wash the porch windows, mop, vacuum, change the sheets, run errands, do 4 loads of laundry and some weeding. I probably should have gone to a lake or biking, eh?

Finished birdy number two for next week's birthday boy. I gotta bust out some nests (one long overdue for Kidlet) but Clapotis is calling louder and louder. I only have 4 or 5 pattern repeats and then I'm done! That's about 50 rows, but they fly along now that I'm decreasing every row. I'm starting the 'what shall my next project be' daydreams. I have a long-promised itty bitty kitty to knit for my mom and I also made a commitment to making some warmies for those in need. But looking beyond I look forward to tackling my first sweater? More lace? Some complicated-sounding fingerless gloves? I'm leaning toward sweater, but that requires a big yarn purchase. Everything else I have, ready to go. Ahhh, daydreams to fuel my work life. Speaking of work to it.


Rebecca said...

yum on the pie. so glad you're busy knitting!

Vanessa/NessieNoodle said...

looks messy good- We picked some black berries that are planted at the entrance of our subdivsion. I don't think we have enough for pie, but vanilla ice cream could do the trick :)