Friday, January 16, 2009

The 5 Minute Post

It's going to be all about me and the lady this weekend (well, in between caring for my tot, grocery shopping, cleaning up around the know the drill). I'm going to try and bust out the rest of the body this weekend, the last weekend before I hear school bells ringing. I think I took this photo about a week ago and now I'm down below the rib cage with the lace. I'll knit tonight, try it on tomorrow and see how much further I need to go to get to the garter edge. I'm so excited to wear my first garment, not just another accessory. Sure, I've still got sleeves to think about but it feels like I'm getting somewhere.

Haircut in 45 minutes! Yay!


Dominique said...

We want a picture of the new haircut as well :-)

Enjoy your WE!

Unknown said...

I agree with Dominique! We need pics of the new do, too. (that was fun to say)

Vanessa/NessieNoodle said...

Hi pretty lady!
can't wait to see the new cut and all the progress on this knit!

happy weekend!

raining sheep said...

Oooh! That sweater is looking good. I am so impressed and honestly feel like the biggest underachiever. I have not made a sweater for a seems to be socks for me.

Anonymous said...

whoa, go YOU!