Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day Two

It must be Autumn.

I have my first exam next week.
I can't stop my desire to knit knit knit.
I want to bake apple pie.
The colors aren't lying.

Sometimes, I can even wear a light sweater in the morning. However, I'm still awaiting the day that knee socks appear with my skirt, as well as the debut of my sweaters that I knit in the Spring. I'm not very patient. Maybe next week the high desert heat will relent? Just for a day? One can hope.

(Has anyone else noticed that blogger flattens the color of their photos? Or is a conspiracy to get me to move to another blogging platform?)


Bean said...

I wore knee highs yesterday, and a hoodie :D

Unknown said...

knitting is very inviting ....
yes about the color - I always have to really push the color saturation of the photos I upload to blogger

jane said...

i´ve been wanting to bake an apple pie too... happy autumn!