Tuesday, February 06, 2007

My Google Day

Here's a running list of what I Googled today...

Monterey Bay Aquarium
maybe a trip around Kidlet's birthday? When is your spring break, Boo? I LOVE making plans: checking out hotel pricing and rooms, where might we eat (because I love to eat), what else we might do. And Boo, I promise I won't have a panic attack this year because we can't find something to eat because I will be sure to have many snacks in the car and I will have researched all the restaurants between here and Monterey.

Hotel Reviews Monterey ca

Colton Inn
Looks cheesy but it gets pretty good reviews, is kid-friendly and isn't crazy pricy.

How to stop on a skateboard
Very important.

Arbor skateboard bamboo bug
I really just want to buy it NOW. Patience is not my strong point. Do I upgrade the bearings? A skate tool? What do you do with a skate tool? They have a 'Pig Tool with Bottle Opener'. Hmmm, bottle opener...that does sound useful.

Children's playhouse plans
Ummm, can I move in? That one is so over the top! This is the one I think we may try to build for Kidlet this summer. Just need to add a little grass and a fence to go around it so the dogs can't poop-ify it. This will be good practice for my life list item number one.

Ok, now it's off to catch up with my bloggy friends and check in with my flickr-mates. Oh, and do a ton of work. Right. Working. Working.


Ani said...
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Ani said...

(ummm, i need to read my comments before i hit the ol' send.)

anyway, i figure i'll probably be going so slow, i think the 'jump off, cross fingers, hope for the best' method will be the one i use.