One glove is totally stitched and I only have to weave in the last end. The other just needs the long seam done up. I learned a ton on this project. For instance, if you are knitting something with all kinds of fancy pants detail, don't cover it up by using light purple and a dark browny-purple yarn, a noisy combination. You can hardly see any of the details that I labored over unless you hold it 4 inches away from your face and pull on it a little to see the lacy bits. Oh yes, a gauge swatch. You may say "Oh, it'll be fine. It's a fingerless glove for heaven's sake." but it may be a little snug if you don't do a gauge swatch. I did block it, but I don't think it really made much of a difference. And one day, I hope to get my seaming to look smooth and not like a kindergartener went to town with a knotty shoelace and a plastic safety needle. It's weird, the edging I attached to the cable section looks perfect but my long seam is so lumpy. I even undid it and tried again with the same result.
That being said, this was a hugely fun project to do since I got to do lace and cables. It was also a very quick knit. A real knitter could probably do this in a couple hours (it took me about 4). I took about a dozen photos and this was the only one that just didn't look creepy (Ooo! Look! A disembodied hand with a blurry purple thing attached!).
Tee hee, glad someone digs my humor!
Since this was an easy knit, I think I'll give this one another try with two yarns that aren't so contrasty. But I think that'll have to wait till next year...after the bunny, after the lace shawl, after the socks, after the scarf...
so pretty! the colors are interacting in a marvelous manner!
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