Friday, February 09, 2007


Discovering...the poetry of Mary Oliver

Awaiting...web access to my f^%$&^ class! Please. I want to start. So I can finish.

Knitting...happily on my circular sock. Finally.

Needing...a tripod for my camera since I only want to take photos in the dark or with cloudy day light.

Baking...bread this weekend. I heart baking.

Hoping...Boo gets over being sick soon and that I don't follow his descent into the land of coughed-up lungs. ('Coughed-up lungs' reminds me that there used to be a divey Chinese restaurant here called 'The House of Lung Fung'. Unfortunate name, eh?)

Watching...Thelonious Monk: Straight, No Chaser tonight while I knit. Unless I fall asleep while I put Kidlet to bed, a common occurrence. all have a splendid weekend with lungs intact and warm winds to thaw you or remind you of Spring (that is still so far away).

1 comment:

Ani said...

I used the 'mosaic maker' on . You don't have to use flickr photos to do it, but you do have to have it point to some url. Lots of cool toys on that site!