Monday, November 12, 2007

Feeling quiet. Have so much planning, making, worrying, cooking, reading, sleeping (oh wait, no sleeping), compiling, and work to do that I need to take a wee break.

If you get a chance to check out this book, do. I need to become more "Moomin-minded". I am tempted to get a tattoo on my arm just to remind me to let the housework go and make work a game.

Cheers! Back soon...


*camerashymomma* said...

yay! i love what you did with the frilly beechnut! take care and enjoy your time, when you get it.

Anonymous said...

there is a hebrew expression i love that is literally translated to mean - quiet in the soul. in my mind, it is better translated as peace of the spirit. wishes to you...

Unknown said...

That book looks great. It's so important to take time when you need it. I tell people that all the time and never heed my own advice.

Vanessa/NessieNoodle said...

i am thinking a tattoo on my wrist for my upcoming birthday- a new decade a new start, and my first ink...

Ani said...

thanks for the love, ladies!

ha ha, Nessie! fun, fun...let's get bday tattoos! well, except i don't have the cash and the place i want to get one done is in SF and i never get out of town :) . what are you thinking of?

Vanessa/NessieNoodle said...

*breath* on the right wrist
*trust* on the left

Vanessa/NessieNoodle said...

ps where in SF? I might be headed down there the weekend just before my day?

Ani said...

tattoo city

something by clifton carter (i really like his asian inspired work on his website) or mary joy. i hear they have quite a waiting list but the work looks quite lovely and they receive glowing reviews from what i've seen across the web.