Monday, September 11, 2006


Dang that was a busy weekend. Ruby insisted on being carried everywhere we went so my arms are now like Popeye after a spinach binge. It was a little trying at times but nevertheless, a good weekend. My favorite part is when we were watching balloons and Ruby would put her little hand on my back and say "You see the purple one, Mama? You see it?" as if I were the little kid and needed help spotting the balloons. Ahh, the cute things that kid says and does...

I haven't picked up anything crafty in a week. UGH. I'm just plugging away at that class, trying to get it done. I think I have to start getting up super early to get my classwork done. By the time kidlet goes to sleep at night, I'm ready to follow within about 20 minutes. Well, I take that craftiness comment back--I've been doodling at work while I get computers ready for employees. I've been working on a few new cards for leaving out in the big world. Since I recently got a fancy-pants scanner, I'll have to scan some up. And speaking of work, back to it.

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