Wednesday, September 13, 2006

CSA September 12

Originally uploaded by Pancakemama.
A nice end-of-summerish week. A cantelope, a watermelon, two raspberry flats, carrots, a couple peppers, 4 tomatoes, yellow wax beans, garlic, zuke, the last of the basil (sigh), a giga armenian cuke and chard. The veggie box folks included a recipe for a manicotti with chard that I think I might try this weekend. Also, my coworker has a peach tree that unloaded and now I've got peaches for a pie! Woo hoo! We've been reading Richard Scarry's Best Word Book Ever! (A LOT) and there are many pictures of pies surreptiously slipped betwixt its pages, beckoning, beckoning...make pie. I'm a terrible pie crust maker but if I don't try more often than once a year, I'll never get better.

Hopefully, I'll be able to get my 'life list' post in today or tomorrow ala the wholeself. I've loved thinking about this stuff! It's funny, I'll consider writing something down and then I think "Oh no, that's not life stuff. That's just stuff I should start doing." But am I doing it? Maybe I should add "learn to make a decent pie crust" on there.

1 comment:

nina beana said...

pie crust- that's what life's all about!
