Wednesday, June 28, 2006

CSA June 27

Originally uploaded by Pancakemama.
A good haul this week. Zukes, organic romaine and mixed greens, baby beet greens, wild looking peaches and nectarines, assorted radishes, snap peas and a whole pack of pale blue eggs. I cut up a zuke last night and just lightly sauteed it with garlic, salt and pepper. Topped it with a little reggiano and it was super yummy. Had a mixed green salad too that was crisp and lovely. Ruby ate all of her snap peas, pretty much the only thing I could get her to eat for dinner. Any hints for making a two-year old eat? Anyone? Anyone? At least she likes veggies.


Anonymous said...

We could puree everything and then reshape it to look like mac and cheese or carrots. Then she'd eat.

love you,

Anonymous said...

lots of ketchup. it's mostly sugar, i know, but I think it was made for making toddler's eat.